quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2022

Elections' in lies and failures: Brazil experiência a 'complete chaos', mistajes, fake data and threats. Brasil mergulha no caos de notícias e pesquisas forjadas, ameaças, assédio moral, e uso de carros e dinheiro público com mídia para golpes de estado - população concorda

 Brazil experiência the previous fórmula of the same lazy mistajes that millions do in accomodation with corruption, use of públic money for politicoans delights, and business associated tô the comando of fake news and media's persecutions, as any vírus, any disease, any oportunity is a pizza for gossips, threats, and groups try to get easy money with públic paychecks. Cellphones with áudio and câmeras broken, or blocked, wifi Tracked, police getting information of hotels, commerce, street cameras, drones, malls. Ilegal áudio. Distortions. Break of more than 20billions are ignored, by media, that covers politicoans in jokes with pink shirts and a nonsense getting adds using issues to try to attract the acommodated and always sleepy people to repeat the same mistajes over and over again. "Well, explainning in simple worse, they are lazy tô react, got accomodation with politicoans nonsense and repórters trying tô hit others working with police intimidations and fake news. They are also using force to get information and to fake they are using the same places to the repeated 'Lasix' (bathroom), or to show UP using sunglasses after fake robbery in atores, as tv presentes get images From hospital, hotels, that give applauses to others names that joint to criminal harrassments to spread lies in internet and commerce, get commercoals, and saying that somebody is "shy", or trying "Pânic" tools in agrerments with huge companhia and branda to ridículos some, and drop financeiro in polítics+media+names pockets and bank accounts. Tvs are intimidations some people to travel, crashing Net movements, shopping online, ID numbers use, and tracking IMAE s", Said a repórter who is also graduated in law and Foreigner commerce. "Politicoans bought importes cars with Covid s money, have Fun with tvs disrespecting womeb and professionals, malls spreaded racismo, and health insirances chain, associated to tv and newspapers group, open medical files and give Power to bullying and racista attacks. Artista and tv presentes are threatening with militaries invadimos to hospitals, hotels, to shut some months UP. The same tv station group fake datas and push stupiditoes with tv presentes with threats to sign contracts, buying places, and are with credentials to the world Cup with repórters that are acting with crime and police intimidations, fake news, and threats. They should be already arrested and forbiden to cover Internationals aporta or others major issues cause they are trying to secure paychecks and places with crime. Its unnaceptable that some media try to Control elections, or keep working, associated tô criminal and deciding to do whatever they want, faking that they are working and others not", Said him.

The country emerges in a complete chaos'. As foreigners From latin America try to look for refuge in Brasil, trying to escape From Argentina's conditions or From Maduro's in Venezuela, "Brazil isnt too different. People From another countries still have a completely wrong image From the land of coconut tree, Beaches, Sun. Its Far From being funny. Tvs lie a Lot and fake what they are doing in backstages and push jokes with artista to try tô hit some and edit their stupidities to try to pass an appearance that they dont have. Idiots watching that let It pass, dont move against the status quo, and give UP of any rights. No polítics or tvs face back the money that they got together with lockdowns and fake news to improve drugstores and Supermarkets business, at the Costa of a population that paid and was manipulated to believe and obey the Covid's-modus-crash. Faking infos tô protect politicoans that act with federal police intimidations, ilegal áudio, drones for infos, and cellphones break, open that breach, to Control opiniões and push who Will release money to their bankrupcies cover, and names magazines front covers with IDs copies, ... Time to put things in order and block From Internationals broadcasts, entrance in places that should offer a level of security as World Cup, From tvs' threats and repórters that act in partnership with militias groups", Said him. "The same way they try to sign contracts, kicking people with lockdowns irresponsible and Channel that promoted deaths to get $ with apps and drugstores plus good market associations. Now, they try to repeat the same moves to edit fake news, fake data, and Control elections. A people that IS used to be used and pay for their own disgrace, repeating media's stupidities and commerce with jokes. Who was smart enough tô do the right Scan and have enough experience of gangs moves, Just let", Said him. "People outside still try to relate some romantic-tropic Idea of Brazil. Its not about being 'negative'. Staying in there and being a daily media s target and politicoans robberies and disgrace, became a nightmare". 

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